ACTIGRAFT – Product Brief

Recreating the Natural Wound Healing Environment  actigraft

Meet ActiGraft®:

ActiGraft® is a Biological Wound Care Device/ Treatment for chronic wounds management.

Actigraft is the first wound care product that enables health care providers to produce – in real time – in vitro blood clots from a patient’s whole blood to the site of the chronic wound to initiate and support the body’s natural healing process and bypass the problem of low or non-existing blood flow in the wound, by creating and applying an external blood clot from the patient’s own blood, outside and over the wound. The blood clot tissue serves as a protective covering and supports wound healing processes which naturally occur in the patient’s body. By using ActiGraft®and creating the external blood clot, we trick the body to think there is a new and fresh wound (Acute wound) and generate and renew the natural healing process. 


An external blood clot with all healing components:

By using ActiGraft®and creating the external blood clot, we trick the body to think there is a new and fresh wound (Acute wound) and generate and renew the natural healing process. 

whole blood cloth

ActiGraft® advantages: 

  • Using the patient’s own blood.
  • Initiates and moderates the healing process.
  • Promotes vascular growth.
  • Releases growth factors.
  • Attracts macrophages.
  • Acts as a scaffold.
  • Fight’s infections.
  • Faster healing.
  • Remains active on the wound for prolonged periods (7 days).
  • Advanced biologic wound care to untreated chronic ulcers.
  • Effective healing and minimally nursing time = significant cost reduction.


ActiGraft® can assist several types of wounds

Chronic wounds:

  • Diabetic Ulcers.
  • Pressure Ulcers. 
  • Vascular Ulcers.
  • Non-healing wounds.

Accelerate and improve healing of difficult to heal wounds:

  • Pilonidal Sinus
  • Annal fistula 
  • Stoma removal wound
  • Internal Cyst 
  • Gun shut wound